What once was a peaceful houshold is now threatened by our newest house guest, Kali, my sisters cat. She came to stay with us about three weeks ago, when my sister moved in with a girl who is severly allergic to cats, animals, and apparently most other life forms. Kali is a pretty kitty with one very annoying habit. She sucks her paws. You'll be on the verge of sleep, when suddenly you'll hear a terribly creepy noise. You turn the lights on and find Kali going at her paw like it abused her in a past lifetime.
Unfortunately, thats not what has upset the balance in our house. Kali has taken over the dog free zone (the basement) and pused Joel's cat, Jaimber out of the basement.
Jaimber, in her mid teens, is unwilling to adjust to this new disturbance. Until now, she has been a model cat. The first dog, woah was she mad, but she backed the dog up into a corner like the bitch that she is and marked her territory, not literally. The second dog, mild depression? maybe, but she learned to live with the new clumsy one.
Now we've pushed her too far. SHE REFUSES TO GO IN THE BASEMENT! Where the litter boxes are. Well, I finally got the smell out of the second basket of laundry. More recently, she's been sleeping (I hope) about six inches away from my head and twice last week I woke up to the sweet melody of dry heaving. What to do. What to do. Someones got to go.