Thursday, December 01, 2005

"Fitter, Happier, More Productive"

Today at work I adjusted the thermostat, I turned it up one degree to 70. The difference is unreal; I don't have to wear gloves or use my coat as a blanket. Some may think wearing gloves at work is kind of ridiculous, I agree. However, besides the strange looks I get from my co-workers, it works out fine. I can even type with them on. It can be a little tricky handling paper; but talking on the phone, moving the mouse, and bullshitting with the guys, all the same with the gloves on. Of course, now I wonder if I should start coordinating the gloves with my outfits.

I had wanted to get a space heater for my cube, but my cube neighbors told me that I may as well start looking for a new job. I guess management isn't willing to incur the extra costs that a space heater would bring. Ah, the heater just kicked on again, this is so great.


Blogger CëRïSë said...

It seems like management would realize that a space heater is cheaper than turning the heat up a degree in the whole office... but maybe they are Nazi eskimos, after all. My apartment was 48 degrees this morning!

3:54 PM  
Blogger Leah said...

The skinflints don't know I've been tinkering with the thermostat.

Ha, ha, ha...ho ho ho.

3:50 PM  
Blogger Ellen said...

they won't know until they read this blog!!!

4:55 PM  

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